How To Get Started In Voice Acting

You want to get started in voice acting and I think that’s great. But how do you get started? You Google it!

I’m not kidding. Get on Google and start learning about the world of voice acting. Watch some videos on TikTok, YouTube, and wherever else you watch videos. Be an observer. If you like what you see and you want more then start researching where to take classes. Do your due diligence to find a solid training program.

To save you a bit of time, I have a playlist on TikTok, “All Things VO“. I save videos from voice acting coaches/teachers, voice actors, casting directors, sound engineers, etc. There are several things in voice over that are above my pay grade. I’m not going to pretend like I know. I am not a voice acting teacher. I am a voice actress who will happily point you in the right direction to find what you need!

Go ahead and view the playlist: All Things VO


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